Application of ethylene bis stearamide in plastic industry

Application of ethylene bis stearamide in plastic industry

2023-11-15 17:07:07

Ethylene bis stearamide is a common plastic additive that is widely used in the processing of polyethylene, polypropylene and other plastic products. It can not only improve the flowability and molding performance of plastics, but also improve the surface quality of the final product.

The function of Ethylene bis stearamide as an external lubricant cannot be ignored. During the processing of plastic products, friction and resistance between plastic raw materials will lead to processing difficulties and increased energy consumption. As an external lubricant, ethylene bis stearamide can reduce the friction coefficient between plastic raw materials, reduce energy consumption, and improve production efficiency. Ethylene bis stearamide can also reduce the adhesion between plastic melt and processing equipment, prevent clogging and wear, and extend the service life of equipment.

The improvement of plastic fluidity and molding properties of Ethylene bis stearamide is also an important aspect of its application. In the processing of plastic products, fluidity is an important indicator. If the plastic fluidity is not good, it will lead to uneven filling, bubbles, deformation and other problems. EBS can effectively improve the fluidity of plastic, making it easier to fill into the mold and distribute it evenly. This can not only improve the quality of products, but also reduce the scrap rate and production costs.

Ethylene bis stearamide can also improve the surface quality of the final product. The surface quality of plastic products has an important impact on the appearance and service life of the product. During the processing, due to factors such as friction and heat, it is easy to cause defects, roughness and other problems on the surface of the product. EBS can reduce the impact of these adverse factors and make the surface of the product smoother and more delicate. This not only improves the quality of the product, but also increases the added value of the product.

Ethylene bis stearamide plays an important role in the plastics industry. As an external lubricant, it can reduce friction and resistance in plastic processing and improve production efficiency. It can also improve the fluidity and molding performance of plastics, reduce the scrap rate, improve the surface quality of the final product, and increase the added value of the product.


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